How I Passed My CompTIA Security +

I spent about 6 months studying for my security +. For the first 3 months, I just put Professor Messer on repeat anytime I had downtime and mostly used him as background noise, along with Exam Cram’s YouTube video. For the last three months, I actively studied.

Tools I used:

I used Jason Dion’s videos, notes, and practice exams

Professor Messer’s practice exams, notes, study groups, and videos

Exam Cram book and YouTube video

Mike Chapple’s videos (just until the end of vulnerability management)

Discord – Professor Messer specifically, and joined every study group session held by Discord members

    I didn’t fully watch all of Jason’s videos. I only got through about halfway before jumping to Mike Chapple’s. I ended up getting through a few videos on Linkedin before jumping to Exam Cram, then went back fully to Professor Messer. I couldn’t really stay focused, mostly out of boredom.

    I decided to just buckle down, get the Forest app for Pomodoro and read Professor Messer’s notes, read the Exam Cram chapter (highlights and sticky notes galore!), then watch the corresponding Messer video with the domain. That helped me to better focus. I watched every single study group Q&A he had (just the questions and answers, not the entire 3-hour videos). Then, I spent about 3 nights a week for an hour just on Discord, practicing with other learners.

    In my last month, I stuck with the study groups on Discord, taking practice tests to study where I was weak, and using Darryl Gibson’s book and companion app. I’d read a section, write notes, then head to the companion app for the quizzes. I was studying about 2-3 hours a day because, with school and work, my time was limited.

    Overall, I was overly prepared when it came time to test day. I remember re-reading the questions thinking I was being tricked because of how much easier they were compared to Jason Dion and Professor Messers. My scores on those weren’t crazy high either. 71% was the highest for Dion, 84% for Messer, and 75% for Gibson. I didn’t really use anything for the PBQs but they weren’t terribly difficult. I had 4 and only 1 was networking. I will say never leave anything blank, especially PBQs (if you have time for them). A teacher once told me that sometimes the answers to the test are in the test and that was true for me in some questions and PBQs.

    I ended up getting a 777 on the exam and left with a weight off my shoulders! 🎰

    I’d really recommend choosing 1 or 2 resources for studying so you don’t end up bouncing around like I did and wasting time. The material isn’t the most exciting and it does get boring at some points but you just have to push through it. Take good notes, take as many practice tests as you can, and relax the day before. I spent the day before at a carnival and watching movies. I did review the next morning for about 30 minutes using Messers notes while snacking (was waaaaaay too nervous to eat a meal).


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